Partner Bettina Caspar-Bures, LL.M.

Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases | Attorney-at-law specializing in Economic Criminal Law
Since 2024
Self-employed lawyer
Since 2024
Employed Attorney at PauerLaw
2018 - 2023
Employed Attorney at Soyer Kier Stuefer GesbR
Passing of the Bar Exam
2014 - 2018
Trainee Attorney at Soyer Kier Stuefer Gesbr
2013 - 2014
Judicial clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna
Trainee Attorney at Bichler & Zrzavy GmbH
Completion of Master of Law (WU)
2012 - 2013
Legal Assistant at Bichler & Zrzavy GmbH
2011 - 2013
Master's Degree in Business Law
2009 - 2010
Legal Assistant at Reger & Günther RA GmbH
2007 - 2008
Legal Assistant at Lansky, Ganzger & Partner
2006 - 2011
Bachelor's Degree in Business Law
Secondary School Graduation (Matura) from Handelsakademie Wien


Award procedure in accordance with § 168b StGB

JSt 2024, 145-148 – OGH 21.11.2023, 11 Os 112/23i

The Use of Data from Monitored Mobile Phones with International Connection in Austrian Criminal Proceedings

ÖJZ 2024, 278

Extradition to Ukraine Due to Circumstances Contrary to General Violence of Articles 3 and 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights Deemed Inadmissible

JSt 2023, 237-239 - OLG Wien 22 Bs 32/23a

The Criminal Responsibility of Associations under Austrian Law

EJC, Compliance Elliance Journal, Volume 6 Number 2, 2020

Principle of Proportionality in the Search of Premises (§§ 5, 121 Abs 3 StPO) and Scheduling of an Oral Hearing after a Protest is Raised (§ 107 Abs 2 StPO)

JSt 2/2019, 158-162

"The Right to Questioning in the Main Hearing - Exhaustion and Creative Application of the Instrument of Request Provided in the StPO for the Promotion of Effective Defense under Article 6 of the ECHR"

JSt 2/2017, 99ff

The Measures Procedure in Austria - Potential for Improvement! Principle of Proportionality in the Search of Premises (§§ 5, 121 Abs 3 StPO)

NWV Verlag, Band 33, 187-199


Board Member of the Association of Austrian Defense Attorneys (VÖStV)

since 2023

Member of Commission 4 of the Austrian Ombudsman Board (OPCAT)

since 2018

Member of the Honorary Board of the "Justice for All" (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute)
